19 October 2021

transfer landline phone number to Now Broadband ?

Can I keep my old landline phone number when switching to Now Broadband ?
If you are with Talk Talk or the other ISPs they provide a platform for (e.g. Post Office) and searching this ... probably not.

Does Now Broadband (really Sky) give option on sign-up to keep old phone number ? : yes.
Did you tick 'keep old phone number ?' : yes.   
Have you then transferred from Talk Talk and Now didn't keep your old landline number ? : yes.  

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It seems Now Broadband can't/won't transfer Talk Talk platform landline phone numbers. You will be given a new number. Even if you ticked keep number. Management must be aware of this

How it will play out  for Talk Talk platform switches :
During sign-up :
You sign up to transfer to Now Broadband 
You tick keep old number
Sign-up goes through but you receive no info of an account etc

about 2 days later :
You will receive an email saying they had to make a change but will not give any info 

week or 2 later :
Router will arrive etc. No letter with account info etc

Changeover :
All will work fine, but you will soon realise you don't have your old number

Contacting them :
You will have no idea where to find your online account, though it seems 1 exists.
You will have to contact them by phone but it's hard to find.
The worker will tell you you didn't tick keep old number.

I know someone this happened to, but reading internet forums I can see it's happening to others.
It's hard to find info but from a few forum posts I conclude it's happening.
someone posting they lost a number of 50 years.
someone posting a response from Now (?) saying they can't transfer numbers from Talk Talk platform (e.g. Post Office (now bought by Shell) )  

Will MPs and OFCOM be aware ?
Probably not.  

What to do ?
Connection will be fine but you have a new number.

It's unknown if this is a policy, but it certainly seems like it.

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